As we navigated through 2024, a palpable sense of timing was in the air. For many, 2024 felt like a pivotal point—a harbinger of great changes that promise to reshape society as we know it. While the prospect of rapid change can evoke fear and uncertainty, it also ignites a sense of purpose and destiny, especially among those who identify as Lightworkers. This is a time of awakening, empowerment, and co-creation, where our collective consciousness begins to reclaim its divine heritage and steer humanity toward a brighter future.
A Time of Awakening
For decades, humanity has been entangled in a web of illusions—indoctrinated to believe in separateness, scarcity, and conflict. These beliefs, perpetuated by systems of power, have fostered division and suffering, manifesting as endless wars and systemic inequalities. However, a growing number of individuals are breaking free from this programmed narrative. They are awakening to the profound truth that we are all interconnected, made in the image and similitude of the Divine Creator. This realization carries with it a profound shift: the understanding that our thoughts and intentions are powerful tools for shaping reality.
The Role of Lightworkers
For Lightworkers, this time is more than just an era of change; it is a calling. A deep sense of knowing emerges, a recognition that they are here not merely to witness the transformation but to actively participate in it. As co-creators, Lightworkers understand their role in directing the trajectory of global change. By holding higher frequencies of love, compassion, and unity, they serve as beacons of light, guiding others out of fear and into a shared vision of peace and harmony.
Deprogramming the Illusions
The process of awakening involves deprogramming the false beliefs that have kept humanity in a state of disempowerment. Chief among these is the illusion of separation—the idea that we are isolated beings, fundamentally different and in competition with one another. This illusion has been the root of countless conflicts and suffering. Yet, as more people awaken, they remember that this does not have to be the way. Humanity is beginning to recall its cosmic origins, its shared heritage as beings of light and love. We carry within our DNA the memories of peaceful worlds, and it is these memories that inspire us to create a similar reality here on Earth.
The Christed Timeline
We stand at a crossroads, where the collective choices we make will determine the path forward. One path leads to continued division and strife; the other, to what many call the "Christed Timeline"—a reality rooted in peace, balance, and unconditional love. To birth this timeline, we must consciously focus on what is good and possible. By walking the path of righteousness, guided by love and higher principles, we raise not only our own vibration but also that of those around us. This ripple effect accelerates the awakening process, bringing us closer to the realization of a new golden age.
Vision for 2025 and Beyond
As we look toward 2025, let us focus on the potential for a world transformed. Imagine a society where peace and prosperity are the norm, where individuals live in harmony with one another and the planet. To bring this vision into reality, we must commit to embodying unconditional love in our daily lives. Every act of kindness, every moment of compassion, contributes to the collective vibration, awakening others and strengthening the foundation for a new era.
Together We Rise
The journey ahead is not without challenges, but it is one of profound hope and opportunity. By remembering our divine nature and embracing our role as co-creators, we have the power to direct humanity toward its highest potential. Together, we can rise, creating a world that reflects the love, unity, and abundance that reside within each of us. Let us walk forward with unwavering faith, knowing that the golden age of peace, prosperity, and happiness for all is not just a dream but a destiny within our reach.
Wishing you your Heart’s Dreaming……Baba Sharone
